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Updated to post-spring
Updated to at least Week 1
Updated to Postseason
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- Air Force - sean15012
- Akron - Her89Man
- Alabama - BossHawgMichigan
- Appalachian State - appstate
- Arizona - BossHawgMichigan
- Arizona State - vikesfan059
- Arkansas - Her89Man
- Arkansas State - appstate
- Army - sean15012
- Auburn - Her89Man
- Ball State - kurtistan
- Baylor - Zaybreezy25
- Boise State - sean15012
- Boston College - BossHawgMichigan
- Bowling Green - vkingery23
- Buffalo - Her89Man
- BYU - appstate
- California - BossHawgMichigan
- Central Michigan - kurtistan
- Charlotte - appstate
- Cincinnati - vkingery23
- Clemson - BossHawgMichigan
- Coastal Carolina - appstate
- Colorado - vikesfan059
- Colorado State - sean15012
- Duke - Her89Man
- East Carolina - Her89Man
- Eastern Michigan - kurtistan
- Florida - BossHawgMichigan
- Florida Atlantic - Her89Man
- Florida International - WPBPD1600
- Florida State - WPBPD1600
- Fresno State - sean15012
- Georgia - Her89Man
- Georgia Southern - appstate
- Georgia State - appstate
- Georgia Tech - Her89Man
- Hawai'i - BossHawgMichigan
- Houston - BossHawgMichigan
- Illinois - vikesfan059
- Indiana - vikesfan059
- Iowa - vikesfan059
- Iowa State - Zaybreezy25
- Kansas - Arrowhead29
- Kansas State - Zaybreezy25
- Kent State - vkingery23
- Kentucky - BossHawgMichigan
- Louisiana - appstate
- Louisiana Tech - Her89Man
- Louisville - BossHawgMichigan
- LSU - BossHawgMichigan
- Marshall - kurtistan
- Maryland - vikesfan059
- Memphis - Her89Man
- Miami - WPBPD1600
- Miami (OH) - kurtistan
- Michigan - BossHawgMichigan
- Michigan State - BossHawgMichigan
- Mid Tenn State - Her89Man
- Minnesota - vikesfan059
- Mississippi State - kurtistan
- Missouri - BossHawgMichigan
- Navy - sean15012
- NC State - Her89Man
- Nebraska - vikesfan059
- Nevada - Her89Man
- New Mexico - sean15012
- North Carolina - Her89Man
- North Texas - appstate
- Northern Illinois - kurtistan
- Northwestern - vikesfan059
- Notre Dame - vikesfan059
- Ohio - vkingery23
- Ohio State - vkingery23
- Oklahoma - BossHawgMichigan
- Oklahoma State - Her89Man
- Old Dominion - Her89Man
- Ole Miss - BossHawgMichigan
- Oregon - BossHawgMichigan
- Oregon State - BossHawgMichigan
- Penn State - sean15012
- Pitt - BossHawgMichigan
- Purdue - vikesfan059
- Rice - Her89Man
- Rutgers - vikesfan059
- San Diego State - sean15012
- San Jose State - sean15012
- SMU - kurtistan
- South Alabama - appstate
- South Carolina - Her89Man
- Southern Miss - Her89Man
- Stanford - Her89Man
- Syracuse - BossHawgMichigan
- TCU - Zaybreezy25
- Temple - Her89Man
- Tennessee - BossHawgMichigan
- Texas - Zaybreezy25
- Texas A&M - Her89Man
- Texas State - appstate
- Texas Tech - Zaybreezy25
- Toledo - vkingery23
- Troy - appstate
- Tulane - Her89Man
- Tulsa - BossHawgMichigan
- UAB - Her89Man
- UCF - BossHawgMichigan
- UCLA - Her89Man
- ULM - appstate
- UNLV - sean15012
- USC - BossHawgMichigan
- USF - WPBPD1600
- Utah - Her89Man
- Utah State - Her89Man
- UTEP - appstate
- UTSA - Her89Man
- Vanderbilt - kurtistan
- Virginia - BossHawgMichigan
- Virginia Tech - BossHawgMichigan
- Wake Forest - BossHawgMichigan
- Washington - Her89Man
- Washington State - Her89Man
- West Virginia - Zaybreezy25
- Western Kentucky - Her89Man
- Western Michigan - kurtistan
- Wisconsin - vikesfan059
- Wyoming - Her89Man