Sims 3 Pet Food

  1. Sims 3 Gourmet Pet Food
  2. Sims 3 Pet Food
  1. I have only the Patch and not the EP itself but still my Sims can now cook gourmet pet food
  2. My Sims eat pet food at the restaurant
  3. My Sim has cooking level 10 and yet he cannot cook gourmet pet food
  1. EA forgot to block those for not EP owners
  2. EA forgot to block those for the restaurant
  3. This only happens to Sims that had a cooking level before the patch. Since they already passed the level where the food was supposed to get added, they can’t learn it anymore.
  1. None
  2. None
  3. It is possible to still learn the recipe on the TV. So keep watching that cooking channel.
Sims 3 Pet Food

Sims 3 Gourmet Pet Food

Normally, a sim makes gourmet pet food and it stays in your sim's inventory and then you simply click on the pet's food bowl and click on the option 'fill with gourmet pet food'. After doing that maybe 3-4 times, the food runs out and then you can make more. It always stays in the inventory! But with it being outside the inventory, the sims. The Sims 3 mod extension is one of the best in exotic pet’s character mod from the familiar dogs to the horses and other animals in the game. Even though the Sims 4 have adorable characters, but still unable to change the fact that the Sims 3 exotic pet character is still the best.

Sims 3 Pet Food

  1. None
  2. None
  3. Use MasterController to set your Sims cooking level to 0 and then back up to 10. That should trigger the receipt