May 22, 2020 A guide on how to enable mods (corn collision, cell coordinates, etc. In Scrap Mechanic Survival. How to Enable Mods? No More Fake Foliage Mod. This gets rid of trees and bushes which cannot be cut down or collided with. Just because Scrap Mechanic is in early access doesn't mean the modding community is willing to wait for the final release. The Steam workshop is packed with hundreds of excellent mods, mostly focusing on adding even more building parts to the base game. Jun 19, 2020 Right click on Scrap Mechanic in the Steam Library, Select Properties - Local Files - Browse Local Files - Survival - Scripts - Game - SurvivalGame.lua Open it with Notepad, but I suggest you use Notepad Go to 83 line “function SurvivalGame.clientonCreate (self)” and change. If gsurvival then to if true then.
Team up with your palls to create incredible mechanisms
This game will place you to the world where super-mechanical and advanced engineering adventures are waiting for you. Jump in and have fun! More than a hundred parts are available for you and your buddies that can enter the game together with you and enjoy collective playing. The stunning creative mode allows to build with no restrictions. Each player can choose a mechanic and even decide the gender – girls and boys are welcome! The parts you and your buddies can use are all unique and appear in all sizes and shapes, which allows you to make everything you can imagine. Experiment and combine them the way you want – the decisions are all yours! You are a real godlike constructor now.
What is more, the parts of your creation are interactive and you can make them move if you want to! The game is truly exciting and has so many different modes that will entertain you for hours! The opportunities are literally endless, so enjoy. The details have various buttons and sensors, so you can push them and make the constructions move – this game will never make you bored, we guarantee that!
The plot behind all the creative moves you make
And here is another exciting fact about this cool game. You will witness a pretty cool and thrilling plot, which is a rare thing for games of this kind. The planet you find yourself on is a highly-developed agricultural environment. However, it is inhabited by the robots. They are workers and their task is to take of the lands around. The produce vegetables and fruits on this lands as well as some other crops that are transformed into products and distributed to other distant planets where the cities, towns, and villages are located. Locals will enjoy the products created on these agricultural planets. However, at some day, the control over the robots is lost and everything crashes down. You were lucky enough to stay alive! There are some troubles here now after a catastrophe – the robots are going literally mad. They are dangerous now and you can only survive if you will have a plan of behavior – think fast, act wisely, and be creative to turn everything around you into useful resources that will support you. Take advantage of everything that you see!
Right click on Scrap Mechanic in the Steam Library, Select Properties -> Local Files -> Browse Local Files -> Survival -> Scripts -> Game -> SurvivalGame.lua
- Open it with Notepad, but I suggest you use Notepad++
- Go to 83 line “function SurvivalGame.client_onCreate( self )” and change.
- If g_survival then to if true then
After you change it, you can use the commands. Just write them in game chat with /.
- For example: /shotgun
In some cases you can also choose the amount.
- For example: /ammo 60
All Cheats
How To Mod Scrap Mechanic Survival
- /ammo “Give ammo (default 40)”
- /spudgun “Give the spudgun”
- /gatling “Give the potato gatling gun”
- /shotgun “Give the fries shotgun”
- /sunshake “Give 1 sunshake”
- /baguette “Give 1 revival baguette”
- /keycard “Give 1 keycard”
- /powercore “Give 1 powercore”
- /components “Give <quantity> components (default 10)”
- /glowsticks “Give <quantity> components (default 10)”
- /tumble “Set tumble state”
- /god “Mechanic characters will take no damage”
- /respawn “Respawn at last bed (or at the crash site)”
- /encrypt “Restrict interactions in all warehouses”
- /decrypt “Unrestrict interactions in all warehouses”
- /limited “Use the limited inventory”
- /unlimited “Use the unlimited inventory”
- /ambush “Starts a ‘random’ encounter”
- /recreate “Recreate world”
- /timeofday “Sets the time of the day as a fraction (0.5=mid day)”
- /timeprogress “Enables or disables time progress”
- /day “Disable time progression and set time to daytime”
- /spawn “Spawn a unit: ‘woc’, ‘tapebot’, ‘totebot’, ‘haybot’”
- /harvestable “Create a harvestable: ‘tree’, ‘stone’”
- /cleardebug “Clear debug draw objects”
- /export “Exports blueprint $SURVIVAL_DATA/LocalBlueprints/<name>.blueprint”
- /import “Imports blueprint $SURVIVAL_DATA/LocalBlueprints/<name>.blueprint”
- /starterkit “Spawn a starter kit”
- /mechanicstartkit” Spawn a starter kit for starting at mechanic station”
- /pipekit “Spawn a pipe kit”
- /foodkit “Spawn a food kit”
- /seedkit “Spawn a seed kit”
- /die “Kill the player”
- /sethp “Set player hp value”
- /setwater “Set player water value”
- /setfood “Set player food value”
- /aggroall “All hostile units will be made aware of the player’s position”
- /goto “Teleport to predefined position”
- /raid “Start a level <level> raid at player position at wave <wave> in <delay> hours.”
- /stopraid “Cancel all incoming raids”
- /disableraids “Disable raids if true”
- /camera “Spawn a SplineCamera tool”
- /printglobals “Print all global lua variables”
- /clearpathnodes “Clear all path nodes in overworld”
- /enablepathpotatoes “Creates path nodes at potato hits in overworld and links to previous node”
How To Mod Scrap Mechanic Survival
There’s a video to make it easier.